My heart is so full that I think it might pop straight out of my chest if I don't be careful.
Even though our whole house has been snotty for entirely too long, and we now have some puking...I will not let it spoil my joy.
On Friday, my precious sister and attorney filed our intent to adopt our Sadie Skielar. Can I tell you that I cried just reading her documents before we signed our stuff?
You guys, this process of adoption is so amazing. And, incredibly, it doesn't seem to lose any excitement the more you do it. I know it's a long process. I know that it pulls me and stretches my faith in more ways than I would ever ask for. But, because of that, when it comes to placement, relinquishment and finalization I can't help but just cry and praise God for the miracles He's worked to create our family.
So, on Tuesday, May 12 @ 10:00 in the morning we will stand as a family of 5 in front of our judge and he will tell us that we can have our sweet baby forever and ever! Seriously, I am crying just thinking about it.
It's exciting to be able to take the boys and for them to understand more of what we do in adoption and what we did with them. Owen keeps saying, "I cannot believe it's gonna be Sadie's Gotcha Day!"
I promise to take lots of pics and document it all for those friends and family members that can't come to court with us.
On another joyous note, we've had Blake at home all weekend!
We even got a date in last night thanks to my tremendous in-laws who called yesterday and asked if they could come and play so that we could go out! Hot dog! It was fabulous to get to talk without interruption and have a nice long dinner. No pictures, you'll just have to imagine us gabbing at the Cheesecake Factory! Yummy!
Blake took the boys to the golf range to try out their new clubs. They were so excited, I think Owen about wet his pants when Blake asked him if he wanted to go play golf.

They let me take this super cute picture of them before they headed out. Cooper was sure to tell me that I could not come play was boys only! I giggled. I can't tell you how cool it is to have boys that LOVE to do boy stuff with their daddy!