"So promise me you'll never forget...that you aren't an accident or an incident...you are a gift to the world, a divine work of art, signed by God. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth...Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says, 'You are my child. I love you dearly.'" Max Lucado, God Thinks You're Wonderful

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I have been wanting to write something about this being National Adoption Awareness month.

I have been wracking my brain for something creative and profound.

That I haven't said already.

As if I have said anything that is creative or profound before.

But I just read a statistic that makes me not care to be cautious anymore.

I am always so worried about stepping on toes or offending someone.

I certainly don't want to sound high and mighty...


Why in the world are more Christian families not praying about this?

Why are we still standing by and letting children age out of the system?

Why are we letting fear lead us in this area of our lives?

Tonight I learned that Oklahoma is 3rd in the nation for children being abused while IN FOSTER HOMES!!!!

Does this make your stomach hurt like it does mine?

Please pray with me this month and ask God how He wants to use your family to change the life of a child?


Charissa said...

Yes, I knew that. How sad. Right here in the Bible belt. :(

Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

I just posted this on my blog. Hope you don't mind. I love you, Miss Molly and I'm so glad you're a warrior for these sweet babies. God bless you over and over!

Tom and Ashley said...

Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue Molly. As we had been going through our foster parent training classes, I learned more about children being abused by their foster parents...it makes me so angry when I hear this! To be honest, I was nervous when we really felt like God was leading us to foster care, not knowing what comes our way or how long we will have kids, and all the many unknowns. but we have been reminded its not about us, its about the kids. its so amazing seeing God bless us already and we know He has an amazing future for us, and for providing lots of love and stability for many foster kids, and even forever homes for those that can't return home. :)

leah @maritalbless said...

Wow, that is a staggering fact and a hard challenge. Thank you!

Kristy said...

After reading your post, I was prompted to email our worker and remind her that we were open to short term placement of a foster baby. She told me that numbers are down a ton and really have several homes open right now, hmmm she also said that they are really pushing family members and that is better, hmm I agree if the family member is appropriate. DHS is under the gun right now and are doing everything to keep numbers where they're suppose to be another hmm... so whos at risk so the numbers can be right, my guess would be the children/babies. I know that they're bad foster homes out there and that makes me so angry, but there are also bad family members homes these kiddos are placed in and when the statistics come out they don't distinguish between the kinship placements and regular foster. I guess it just upsets me so much that babies lives are put in jeporady to keep everything right by their numbers. I feel like the welfare of our children should not be conditional on anything! Not the economy, not anything just what is best for the child and I think this is so often overlooked by what works better for the system.

Molly said...

Thanks Kristy for calling your worker. I have heard that numbers are down in some of the shelters, but even still those fluctuate greatly. They have also changed some laws about how an officer can remove a child from a home. I am sure you are aware of this because of your hubs. Regardless, I could not agree with you more that this is all a numbers game and not really and truly to protect our children. What scares me the most is that there needs to be serious legal changes in order to protect more kids. Being put with a blood relative is not always the best option.

The interesting thing is that "numbers are down" and "homes are open" is something that I get a ton of varied reports on. It just makes me wonder if it's who you talk to?

Have you heard of Child Share, Bair Foundation or Christian Services? They are all private foster care agencies that work as liasons with DHS. Just didn't know if you knew about that as an option.

Miss you!

Dr. Erin and Mr. Heath said...

Anna's House Foundation is a Christian organizatin that works as a liason with DHS as well. That's who we used and we love them! They have been such a blessing and support to us through all of this.