We made it home yesterday afternoon!
It feels so good to sleep in our own bed...I seriously had a hard time getting out of bed this morning! All of the sudden our house seems HUGE! Nothing will make you more thankful for what you have than having to be without for a bit. And, to some degree...I have realized that I have more than I need.
Perhaps this is me nesting, or it's me coming back from Aspen knowing I have stuff that I can get rid of. I also can't shake what's going on in Haiti. We have so much to be thankful for, and so much more that we can give!
Speaking of nesting...I want to blog a bit more this time about our adoption process. We've never done that before. I didn't blog before the boys. And with Sadie's adoption we wanted to surprise everyone, so we kept it on the down low as we were applying. Because I have heard from some of you that you are interested in adoption, I thought I might break down some of the overwhelming parts of this.
Right now, we've let our agency know that we are ready to go. I've printed the initial application and we're almost finished with it. From there, they will let us know what we need (background checks, references, urine samples...just kidding, wanted to see if you were paying attention). The process is quite a bit simplified when you've used the same agency before.
This time we've never been more strapped financially. But Blake and I will say it again and again, that God has provided for our adoptions each and everytime. So we are going to trust in Him that if it's His will, then He will provide. But we are also going to seek support from Lifesong. Has anyone used them before? We are excited about their services that they offer families in financing adoptions. We'll let you know how it goes. You have to have your homestudy done before you can apply through them, so it will be a bit before we can start that.
I've heard a statistic that 86% of couples seeking adoption decide not to because of money. That breaks my heart for many reasons, but mostly because adopting through "the state" is essentially free. But also because when we turn away from God's call of adoption because of money we are saying that God isn't bigger than money. You have to do your research, be a good steward of your money, but also trust God with it!!!
That's all for now. Oh, and thanks to all of you that post encouraging and truthful comments on the last post. My heart was broken and your words set me free from believing that's what I was doing! Love you all dearly!
I commented on your blog a long time ago about my family adopting and going through a rough spot and appreciated your encouragement. Well, I just want you to know we are def. adopting. We are done with all paperwork and homestudy, we're just waiting to be chosen by a birthmom. We have purposely chosen to adopt a black/bi-racial child and are seeing some opposition from my MIL. Your blog and others like it are helping me through some issues and are showing me the ups and downs of adoption, so I'm looking forward to reading your next adoption story. I will say the toughest thing has been waiting to see what God has in store! Thank you for your willingness to share so openly!
FIrst of all...I'm SO thankful you made it home safe and sound! And the travel pictures put a smile on my face this morning! Have so much fun on your weekend away with your honey!
Amen!! God is so much bigger than us...we just need a "friendly" reminder from time to time! We too are getting ready to start the process again in the next few months...it's not so much finances we/I am struggling with but instead my work...but your words speak so much truth to my heart...God blesses us on his own time and we have to give it all to him and trust HIM! Not try to make it all fit "perfectly" into my calendar.
So sorry we missed seeing you while you were right here in Colorado but I'm glad you are home safe and sound.
I just read your last post and the comments and am just amazed by how much junk you take for speaking the truth. This Sunday, our pastor said, "we are never more like Jesus than we we suffer for his name." Don't question for a moment that this is exactly what you are doing. You spoke truth and the heart of the gospel in your last post, and suffered because of it. Press on, pen pal. :)
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