"So promise me you'll never forget...that you aren't an accident or an incident...you are a gift to the world, a divine work of art, signed by God. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth...Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says, 'You are my child. I love you dearly.'" Max Lucado, God Thinks You're Wonderful

Friday, May 28, 2010

Picture Post

We've got a whole lot of nothing going on around here. Man, life is good when you can just sit back and try and decide what to do with the day. Our life is getting ready to take a serious kick in the booty when Owen starts school in the fall. It's everyday people...Monday-Friday.

Seems insane. And yet I know I probably sound incredibly weird saying that. Oh well. I am weird. There are a million reasons that I know kids need to go to school. A million. But I am just wanting to savor each minute of this summer knowing life's getting ready to get CA-razy busy.

SO, all of that to say, we've just been hanging out playing at the house, seeing friends, going to the zoo and science museum, riding bikes, walking to the park and having lots of picnics. I know it sounds mighty mundane to lots of folks, but this mama business is more than I ever dreamed it would be.
Hope you enjoy the pictures! She was mostly interested, and a little scared of these birds. I was proud of her for even getting out of the stroller to get closer!
Riding the train! A friend saw us and gave us all coupons to ride the train! We rarely do this, so it was a huge blessing!!!

We took our neighbor Baylor with us this day! SOOO fun!

Owen feeding the birds.
Look how brave he is!
We LOVE the new Children's Zoo!!! The kids can walk and play in the water!

How cool is this? They LOVE it and get totally drenched in the water play area!

Snuggles from Batman!


Kristy said...

I love all the pics, Miss Sadies Hair looks so grown up, so cute with the flower.

Kristy said...

ps does my blog not show up cuz it's private? On your adoption buddies list?

amber@SAHM's musings said...

Hi. I'm a friend of Melodie's and read/comment on her blog often. I've visited your blog on occasion just quietly. I just wanted to say that I saw you at the zoo the other day. You passed me along the little creek bed in the children's zoo area. I recognized you from the comments on Mel's blog but I didn't have the guts to say "hey, small world." So anyway, just wanted to say hi :-)

Jamila said...

You could always homeschool :)
Anyway, schools out can't wait to hang!

Norma said...

and before you know it, Sadie will be going to school... Precious pics and I thank you so much for each one! Love, Mom