Gigi and Emery

Noonie and Grandy
I woke up this morning to some poopy news with Blake's job. We thought he had another couple days together before we didn't see him for 6 months, but they need him to come in Fri-Sunday (as well as Wed/Thurs). We had planned to surprise the kids with a quick trip to the beach Friday morning. They've never seen an ocean before. So I am a wee bit crabby, and for the first time since we got here I am feeling like Negative Nancy. I miss my friends and family soooo bad and now he's gone.
SO I am finally posting the pics from the kids' swim party before we left.

Seriously. What friends let you take pictures of them in their bathing suit 6 weeks after having a baby? But I couldn't
NOT post this...she is such a dear friend. We met for one last coffee date before I left and she gave me a sign that says: "There are some people one loves instantly and forever, just to know they are in the world is quite enough." Is that not the sweetest quote? So I hope you forgive me for posting this pic, but we just don't have many pics together!!!

The sweet Satterfields! Boy, we are gonna miss you guys!

If I crop my butt outta this pic, I crop my sweet baby out too. Shoot. Love you Shettron crew!!

My neighbor Samantha!!! Thanks for the coffee and my new mug!!! I LOVE IT!

Awww! The Proctor family (minus their 2 adorable boys who were busy swimming with my lil men). Proctors, sometimes I get frustrated with God for the fact that we just met this past year. But when I think about how much I love you all, I know that knowing you longer would've only made this goodbye harder...if that's possible. We all tried not to cry, but we just couldn't help it. Look at Cailey covering her eyes...it makes my heart ache seeing this pic.

Samantha and Rachelle, more sweet neighbors! It's amazing how God brought us all together.

No way. Is my son really checking out their booties?

My mama. And to think when I was little I used to make fun of
her big sunglasses! We looked like such goons saying goodbye to one another in front of the MARTA. We didn't care. It's hard leaving your mama no matter how old you are!

My sistas. Jamie brought her kiddos Jackson and Savannah "Bena" as Sadie calls her. And my sis Laura brought her littlest Luke, who Sadie is smitten with.

We had the party in the morning, so we had 10 dozen donut holes and a bunch of fruit for the kids. We only had 8 donut holes left over!!! Emme sure enjoyed some herself!!!

Keely Beth!!! Thank you for coming to swim with the kids. We sure do love you sweet girl!

Cailey and Chenna! Girls we miss you so much and hate the idea of starting school without you being there with us!

Looks like trouble to me! Nah. These guys sure do love their cousin Jackson!

My sweet Auntie Mary Anne! On my dad's bday (which is 2 days after mine) my parents had a lil party for my dad with the family. It was a good chance for me to get to squeeze everyone one last time.
Now, I realize that to most of you this probably seems absurd. Sorry, but it's just how I feel. I am a relationships kind of girl. To walk away from those dearest to me is beyond difficult. Even if for just a year. My peeps help me to be a better mom. And I take that job kind of seriously.
For lunch the kids and I used our new smoothie maker I got for my birthday. We had so much fun creating smoothies and even more fun when I took the lid off and proceeded to push the blend button. It went flyin and blobs clobbered my face and hair. We laughed so hard we all about tee teed right there in the kitchen. God knew how much I needed that!!!
I know I will just be fine, but I had to share these pictures while I was thinking about you all!