We've been in Atlanta for a week now! We have been in awe of all of the wonderful blessings in this move. The drive was long (15 hrs in one day!) but uneventful. And the day that we got here the temp dropped to 77 degrees and we drove in with the windows down! Our POD got here on time, and we unloaded the entire thing in about 5 hours and barely broke a sweat!
My parents drove here with us, and we worked their tails off. They hardly saw the city, but spent lots of time loving on us by getting us settled. My mom unpacked our entire kitchen and played with the kids, while my dad and Blake unloaded all the big stuff. My dad did all those things that I hate doing in a move (he hung ALL our wall decorations, got the washer/dryer working, put the crib together, etc). The great thing is how much it filled my love tank right before saying good-bye, but it's amazing because now I think of them constantly when I see/use these things!
So some random things we've found so far:
There are more brown people here (yay!), but we still seem to stick out. Actually, we saw more inter-racial families in Oklahoma. I know, it's only been a week. I'll let ya know how my study goes ;o) You know I don't care if we stick out...it's just that I think the kids feel it.
Our first ride on the MARTA was crazy weird. It was a little scary. Okay, so at one point I thought we might die. A guy sitting across from Blake and the boys was listening to something and was talking LOUDLY almost shouting and making shooting noises and using his hands as guns. Luckily he was pointing those "guns" out the window. You should've seen Owen. Bless.his.heart. He was as scared as I was. So I distracted the kids with some scenic talk. Then a lady got on and tried to share Jesus with everyone riding. Mercy, she scared me and I believe the same dad-gum thing she was selling.
The Aquarium is AMAZING!!! But there were so many people there that we really couldn't see a lot. We plan to go back, but not on a Friday afternoon ;o) Babycakes wanted to get down and explore everything, but we just couldn't let her because it was so packed.
Our apartment is HUGE. Well. Not really. But it feels so good to have 2 full bathrooms, an oven, washer and dryer, a full sized refrigerator WITH an ice maker!!! OMGoodness!! We've never had an ice maker before! And the kids are running and jumping and you can't hear a thing!! I tell you what, God gave us that experience in Aspen so that we'd know what we had here. We are in heaven.
Thanks for all of your prayers! I will post more pics tomorrow!!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness.... Thank you, thank you, thank you for the post!! Just getting to hear your heart warms mine!!... We miss you and your family... Know I am praying for each of you and just want you to stay off the Marta... He he he... Glad we got to ride it... I guess you guys are getting ready for Gigi to come see you.. Wish I could be there... Need to talk dates soon! Love you bunches, Mom (Let's skype soon/even during the day!!) Tomorrow will be busy for us with Sutton's birthday (will so miss you all) and then having friends over to see the Walthalls, for dinner... Love you deeply and miss you more... Mom
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