Wednesday, December 31, 2008
One of those days!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
So much to say!
She is trying so hard to sit up!
Sister got a new exersaucer as a gift! Thanks Kent and Vicki! It's to die for!
Cooper showing off his talent with pipe cleaners. They got lots of arts and craft stuff in their stockings!
I hope you were able to sit back and soak up this celebration of the birth of Christ.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Miracle #2
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
We were headed to Colorado for vacation with my family (we were all caravaning).
We were driving on the highway going about 70 mph and we spun and rolled over.
The car stop rolling and landed on its side, drivers side down.
(these are my sister's pictures, sorry I couldn't get them downloaded!)
I was in the back with Owen, who was 4 months old. I remember screaming and putting my body over him so that nothing would hit him as we rolled. Our luggage was rolling too!
When we stopped I could see nothing was obviously wrong with Owen, but two thoughts invaded my head.
I could see we were still in the middle of the highway...was someone going to hit us before we could get out of the car?
And, is my sister alive (sorry David, my thoughts went to Becki)?
My brothers-in-law appeared through Owen's window. They had climbed up the car, and were asking for me to lift Owen out.
I then peeked my head up to Becki, she was crying and bleeding and in pain...but was alive!
I kept asking if someone was going to hit the car before we could get out. Sean and David told me there was a semi that was blocking both lanes and we were safe.
It's so important for me to remember this day.
To remember that we rode in an ambulance to the hospital to be told we were fine. Becki and David were the worst and only had minor scrapes and cuts (and Becki was given a sexy neck brace).
Owen didn't have as much as a single scrape, neither did I.
While we were at the hospital we were told the same thing happened not a week earlier, and 3 children were killed.
So today, I give thanks that three years ago, I thought I was going to lose my baby, my sweet and precious dream. Three years ago, I had the thought of seeing my sister bleeding to death in the front seat and having to live life without her.
We never got to thank that truck driver for keeping us safe and blocking the road while we got out of the car. The ambulance whisked us off and I didn't as much as give it a thought to thank him. I forever wish I had. So many people stopped to help us. One lady gave us...gave us...her childs carseat to take Owen in the ambulance in.... She carried her son home in her arms, said they didn't live far.
Today, I told Owen about the wreck and showed him pictures. He was very interested in the ambulance ride. I want him to know how God saved him and that He has great purpose for his life.
I don't want to ever forget that this happened because with it came great miracles and I want to glorify God for saving us that day.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Boys will be boys!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Some new pictures...

Saturday, December 6, 2008
5 stockings!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
3 months old!
What happens when 2 year olds try to use scissors while mommy is on the phone?
Yes, I realize that I gave them the scissors and that I was sitting right there. It happened so quickly that I couldn't help but giggle. He was shocked that when you turn the scissors in toward your belly and open and close them that you could acutally cut your shirt!
Blog games...I guess I should share a little.
My sister challenged me to this one.
List 5 favorite addictions:
1. I love coffee, and by coffee I mean, fierce, strong coffee and LOTS of creamer and equal. I like it in the mornings and love to share it with my husband. I would make a bad mormon.
2. The Biggest Loser-yep I am a huge fan!
3. Date nights, never have enough of them, but love them when we do!
4. Christmas music
5. Gum, if you know me, you know I love gum! Right now it's Polar Ice Extra...yes, I am a dork!
What is your husband's name? Blake Edward
How long have you been married? 6.5 years!
How long did you date? Almost 7 years. We started dating when I was 16 and he was 15! Yes, that means I drove on our first date!
How old is he? 29 just like me, but I am 3 months older!
Who is taller? He is!
Who can sing best? We often laugh about how we both are horrible singers, but it doesn't stop me from singing! He never sings though!
Who is smarter? Yea, all that know us are laughing at that question. He is. Although I think I am smart, he graduated top in his class in med school, so I think he wins!
Who does the laundry? Me, I stay-at-home. It's kind of in the job description!
Who pays the bills? He does!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me, I am usually wrong-suck! Although, he's good at admitting it when he is wrong.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me. He took me to an OU game and told me that it was tradition when OU scored, you had to kiss. Now, me being the youngest of 4 girls, I had no clue of football traditions??? And, I was dying to kiss him! (And we'll both be quick to say, it was awful!)
Who wears the pants? He does for sure!