I am sorry but I just had to share these pictures.
Seems like I have more pictures of Sadie on here than the boys, but she's about the only one who will sit still enough for me to get a picture of!
We went to Bible study yesterday and I dressed Sadie up. She's just now fitting into clothes instead of just onesies. Thanks to cousin Ragon for letting us use all of your clothes!
Cooper went to Sadie's room, got her pacifier (which required him to get the stool to get it out of her crib) and brought it to her. I thought it was priceless. He was so proud of himself!
Sadie's doing great. She's eating like a champ. We're gonna have some serious rolls here before too long!
Our doctor suggested we try and put her to sleep in the bouncy seat for her reflux. I am not sure he wanted me to position her like this, but I figured if she was sleeping next to us while we played I could keep an eye on her. This girl loves to sleep on her tummy, just like my guys did!
I talked to Mommy G yesterday and she's still doing really well. It's just so good to hear her voice and know she's alright. She loved all of the pictures that I took of them (thank goodness!) and has framed several to put around her house.
So I found a picture I could post of Mommy G that wasn't identifying! Everyone always comments on Sadie's fingers and I always talk about how they are her birthmom's fingers...now you can see. I love this picture because I have a feeling I know what Mommy G was thinking here. She was most likely wanting to take in those toes and feet and never forget what they look like or how small they are. It's a scary thought to think that you might forget what your child's toes looked like. I remember when we lost Cooper for that short time, I cried lots of tears over his fingers and toes and hoping I wouldn't forget them. That I wouldn't forget his smell or his nose. Pray we can help capture these things for her!
Please continue to pray for Mommy G and her healing. Also pray for her spiritually and that we may find a way to share our faith with her.
Love you all! Thanks for all of your prayers for us! We are doing great!