Well, we are just having ourselves some marvelous time at the pool.
I know some people might be annoyed by lots of kids at the pool, but for my kids it's pure bliss. And that makes mama happy!
Owen and Cooper pretty much are inseparable. Thankfully they have not questioned the need to wear life jackets because I am not sure it would be safe for me to take all 3 of them if the guys weren't wearing those beautiful yellow things!
Sadie has enjoyed the water as long as her hiney is not sitting in it. She will put her feet in and her hands in and splash. She looks hilarious doing this, kind of like an ape with her tiny buns in the air.
And this...I had to share. This might just show you a glimpse of the relationship between these three. This is pretty much what Sadie wakes up to every morning. I actually asked Owen to wait until I could grab the camera!
Sadie has changed so much in the last 2 weeks. She is talking more, moving all of the time, she's eating finger foods and is no longer taking a bottle. She is desperately wanting to walk, but is a little nervous. When you let go of her hands, she slowly inches her bottom to the ground to sit. She's like an old lady trying to sit on a couch...she cracks me up! And as these pictures show...she's become quite the little ham! She's a silly girl!
She is finally saying "mama" some. It's only happened twice, and only in times of desperate need for me, but I will take it! She says "ga" for dog-she only does it when she sees Bella...she really seems to like her. I mean Sadie liking Bella. I am not too sure Bella is enjoying the fact that we keep bringing home babies!