I have to share something that happened this week.
As much as I don't want to believe this happened to me...
As much as I am embarrassed and ashamed that it did...
I have to share, because this post could have been so different.

The lifeguard at our neighborhood pool had to jump in a get Cooper on Sunday.
Just so you know, Cooper is fine now and was never completely under the water.
He was struggling though, and it was too close.
You might have noticed in my last post I talked about our lovely yellow life jackets.
The boys have been great at putting them on and keeping them on, no questions asked.
But this day was different. Since both Blake and I were there, they wanted to try to swim without them.
Owen has been doing really well.
Cooper was really not even trying, he was just enjoying hopping in the water and feeling free.
He was between the 2-3 ft markings and they were playing together. Both Blake and I were (or thought we were) watching them.
I was in the water with them holding Sadie.
A lady behind me asked me a question about Sadie and I turned to answer her.
It happened that quickly. Cooper had hopped just far enough that he could no longer touch. And I had turned to answer this lady.
I happened to be facing the lifeguard and saw him run and jump in the water.
When I turned I saw my baby struggling to keep his mouth above water.
I was about 10 feet from him.
My legs were Jello and useless.
I had Sadie and there was no way I could get to him faster than the lifeguard.

Cooper was fine but scared. I was beyond shaken.
Please when you read this don't think this could never happen to you.
I know there were things we should have done differently.
I know that we have learned from this. But I beg you, please learn from my mistake.
If you have multiple kids, keep them in life jackets until they can safely swim on their own.
Drownings happen when we let our guard down because we think there are more eyes watching and in reality we are not watching as closely.
It's more like me to be prideful and not share that I totally screwed up here and could have lost my Cooper. But, I just pray that someone will read this and think twice about life jackets.
I know you may have to fight them on wearing them, but do it!
Praise God he's okay... my eyes are brimming over w/ just the thought of what could have happened. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this reminder I let my guard down all the time thinking he has gotten so good at swimming even in a small pool but it doesn't take too much water to go under so I will be more cautious thank you and so glad Cooper was ok.
Oh Molly, I am shaking just reading this post. I can imagine that was so scary, and you are right, it only takes a second. Thank you for the safety reminder as the summer is getting into full swing.
I am so thankful that it was only a "scare" and that Cooper is a-okay. You are a great mom, so don't beat yourself up about this. Just consider it the scariest of wake up calls and maybe you are saving another little one through your scare!
so glad little cooper is ok. i can't even imagine that feeling. humbling for you to share . . . thanks!
Molly, thank you SO much for reminding us to be so careful. None of us think this has anything to do with how good of a mom you are...that has never been in question. This is just a reminder of how easily and how quickly this can happen....Thank you for sharing! I love you and so glad Coop is okay!
Thank you for sharing. We had a very similar experience last weekend. My 4 year old was wearing the arm floaties but one fell off and I couldn't get to her with the baby in my arms. Luckily another parent grabbed her up but it scared ten years off my life. We are now the proud owners of 3 life vests that will be worn at all times in the pool. Again, thank you for sharing.
such a great reminder. thank you for being willing to share this experience and remind us all, especially with the pool season upon us. praise the LORD he is okay!
Ah my tears are flowing. I SO appreciate your willingness to be humble and share your experience. what a great reminder of how quickly things can go wrong in the water. And what a great testiment to God's sovereignty in your family :) I'm so happy that Cooper is ok, that all of you are ok. I hope you'll experience peace in your next swimming adventure this summer. You are precious, you're an amazing, protective mom and you're ministering to so many of us through your openness here.
In the book of James….Jesus’ brother James said it kinda the same…..confess your screw-ups to each other so that you may be (and then it doesn’t say saved….wasn’t talking about salvation….it says healed.) It hurts when you “almost really mess up big” and you realize how differently this could have ended up. What ‘heals’ this is by telling others…..I could have lost a child!!!!!! Did you hear me? I headed down the wrong road….and there wasn’t any back-up….I want to confess that now! That is the wonderful advantage of you and 3 sisters. If you 4 will continue to share…it will heal so much in your lives. Not just swimming screw-ups, or job screw-ups, but all of our screw-ups. And the most important ones to share are those that we just HATE to share. Those will do the most healing.
Proud of you Molly. You will never know whose life that will save….and whose life won’t need healing from a tragic loss. I love you and will hug Cooper tighter next time I see him.
Love the Shockleys
Thank you for sharing so that others can learn as well...
God is and was watching over Cooper and your whole amazing family!
So thankful Cooper is ok! I was emotional with just the thought of one on my kiddos drowning...and once I read your Dad's comment totally lost it! Thank you for sharing this post with all of us. You are a wonderful Mom! I know it is not always easy to admit as a momma we might have messed up, but thru your blog families are reminded of how precious every second truly is!
Oh my goodness this makes me cry. I respect you so much for being honest about this. What a scary moment. Your dad is so wise. I'm so glad Cooper is fine. I'm praying you'll heal quickly as well. You are such a good mama, and I'm so glad you swim somewhere with lifeguards! How about the splash park? Love,
I'm glad he's okay! You are right, it does happen quicker then you think. A 6 year old boy that lived a few streets over from me drowned on Thursday even though there were two lifeguards present, and over 30 parents! I'm sure watching multiple kids in the pool is very challenging.
Oh, Molly! I'm so proud of you for sending out this caution to other parents AND grandparents! I know I've been the life jacket cop but now will be even more earnest!! I know that scared you and Blake to death and I'm sure put some pretty healthy fear into Mr. Cooper... We so love him and thank God for sending that lifeguard at the right time! God is amazing... Love you all, Noonie...
You are an amazing mom, a wonderful mom. The same thing happened to my best friend, and believe it or not the same thing happened to me when I was seven. My cousin jumped into me and I was in the deep end...I went unconscience and remember laying next to the pool...God is our protector and shield......and lifejackets! :) Thank you so much for the reminder!
Please don't beat yourself up or think things could have been done differently. You are a great mother! I used to be a lifeguard and these things happen all the time. It was common for parents to freeze and panic. The bright side is God was watching out for the little man and he is okay!
Suprisingly, something similar happened to me this weekend. I was watching my two nephews (ages 3 & 6) at the pool. They were chasing a ball that was going for the deep end. Neither had on life jackets. The ball fell into the deep end. I start running after them, needless to say the 3 year old jumped in, I panicked, jumped right behind him, and the 6 year old jumped in as well. I had both of them in my arms and felt horrible.
Thank you for sharing your story. Take comfort in the fact that our loving God is always watching over us.
Thank You, Jesus for watching over Cooper! I had a moment like that just 2 days ago during Amelia's bath. She is 14 mo old and very good in the bath. She was sitting in about 5 in of water and I turned to the cabinet to get her towel about 6 ft away. I heard a splash and turned to see her on her back, completely submerged under water and looking totally shocked. It took only maybe 5-7 sec to get her up, but she certainly could have inhaled water by then. I was terrified until she responded to me after a few seconds and patted me on the back. I will forever set out the towel BEFORE bath time.
Misty J.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I'm so thankful Coop is fine. Thanks for reminding us to be watchful.
Bless your heart...you are precious to share this. As someone else has said, you will never know WHO will be saved because of what you've written, but I have NO doubt that will happen. We all need to be transparent, as you have been in this post. Your dad is right. The only way that good can come out of bad is for God to be able to count on us to share our struggles and the miracles in our lives. God bless you all. In Christ, Rob and Kathy Gandy, Ada, Oklahoma
Oh sister - you are one of the best mother's I know. You are a fierce protector of your children and a wonderful advocate. More than that you are a wonderful mentor and friend. Thank you for reminding me how quickly it can happen. And how two seconds to turn around and everything goes wrong. I can imagine that you can re-live that moment of seeing the lifeguard run toward your baby, and the helpless feeling of freezing. Thank you for sharing - I will hug cooper all that much tighter when I see him. Thanks for being humble and sharing - again - you are so Christlike - we should all be more like you.
Oh scary!!!! I make mine wear them too. Sydney tried to talk me out of it, and when Scott is with us I give in. But when it's me I know it's too much for me with all three. We all have those moments! You are a great mom!!!!
"Close calls" are unfortunately part of being a parent. Can't tell you how many I've had throughout the years with Brent, Blake and the cherubs I had in my classroom for 25 years. It's so scary to know that anything can happen in just a moment. I always looked at my episodes as a "gentle reminder" from God that those Guardian Angels are working really hard to protect all of His precious earthly angels. Be gentle with yourself and know that EVERYONE has had or will have scary incidences. You are in good company! Love you! Gigi
I'm so glad that your little man is ok. Thank God for lifeguards! It's easy to forget what an important job that they too, until we need them.
Wow, this is so scary. I'm so glad he's ok.
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