I am one of those girls that likes life simple and slow. So this morning as I was loading up the boys I noticed that I was short with Owen and that just kills me.
Lord help me to be available to be used by you, but also remind me that when I try and do things myself it exhausts me. When you use me, I am energized and not short with my family.
So here's a rundown of stuff I have mentioned lately and not followed up on...
The adoption ministry is going, going, going! We have only had three meetings, but we've accomplished a TON! We are starting community groups as a part of this ministry. If anyone you know has a need for support or a passion for adoption, foster care and orphan care please let them know we'd love to have them join us! We can't wait to see what all is going to happen not only in our church but in our city. Click on the "Chosen" button to the right!
Adoption task force meeting... Cooper's Law is one of those things I need to let go of. I need to just lay it at the feet of my Savior and let Him do this. I have heard nothing back from the Senator or Representative that we've been contacting. Maybe I am being impatient, I don't know. I realize they have a lot on their plates. They were planning on asking families to share at the September 18th meeting, so we'll know before too long if that is going to happen. I am tired...I know, I lose steam quickly...I would make a poopy politician, huh?
When I was asking you to spread the word about Cooper's Law I shared some pictures from the day we lost Cooper. I forget that some of you reading this don't know us and know our story. I still think that there are 4 people reading this, and they are my immediate family members!!!! So, two LONG days after we lost our pumpkin, we got a phone call from his precious birth mother telling us to come pick up our son. We BUSTED it to Edmond to the maternity home to get our precious Cooper. I think I loaded his car seat back into the car in 20 seconds flat.
There are a dozen incredible miracles that happened through our journey with Cooper, but one of the things that I cherish was the way it changed Blake and I. The world just wasn't the same. We have a new appreciation for everyday and we have a new tolerance for things that used to drive us batty. One of the things that is most dear to us was our appreciation for birth mothers and what they go through in the process of placing a child. It's something that we experienced to some extent when we lost Cooper... So, 5 days before Christmas 2006, we got the most wonderful gift of our son...again! Now you know the rest of the story!
Aspen...Oh man, we don't know anything more about Aspen and I am getting cold feet. Just being honest. I am nervous about either option-being gone from all that we get to enjoy here, and even worse being away from our precious daddy and husband. Lord help guide us on what is best for our family. 

Kaleidoscope Kids is our transracial adoption playgroup. If you have adopted transracially, please join us as we get together with our kids so that they can be around other families that resemble their own. In September we'll be going to the zoo! Email me and I will add you to the group! mollykshockley@hotmail.com
And most importantly...these munchkins of mine are constantly making me stop and take time to thank God for making me their mommy and Blake their daddy. Not an hour goes by that I don't think about how incredibly blessed I am to parent them. Not a day goes by that I don't praise God for creating their birth moms and leading them to us (and then agreeing to have open adoptions with this kooky clan of ours). Last week we got to see Sadie's birth mom and it was complete joy. It's so wonderful to have a relationship with her and for Sadie to KNOW her, not just know of her. Have I told you how much I love open adoption?

See ya Thursday for Sadie's birthday. I feel like the more I say it, maybe I will actually believe our baby is turning one! And yes, you don't have to ask...I have the baby bug....again!
Molly, I still read your blog! I talked to your mom yesterday and she was telling me about Chosen. What an incredible ministry. My prayers are with you in all you are doing in life! I need to email you soon...re what we talked about in July. Blessings to you and your family. :)
what is aspen...and i am not blood family and i read your blog! :)
I totally am in the same boat with the return of the "baby bug"! However, realizing that God may be pulling us in the direction of adoption long before we thought we would venture that direction, we are a little wary heading in to the process once more! Thank you for all the encouragement and the wonderful example your family is for families considering adoption. I am excited for the thought of the journey, and hopefully having you there to help us through it all!!
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