Man, we've been blessed with some cool gifts! Some of them I had to share because they were super creative and I thought you might likey.
First, from my incredible husband and my FOUR children for my 31st birthday! I have been dying for one of these and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how it turned out. Seriously want to cry every time I feel it around my neck and the kids love finding their name ;) Thank you honey for such a wonderful gift! **We ordered the necklace off of Etsy using an alchemy request from TheRHouse Shop. I bought Sadie's birthmom's necklace here from Mother's Day and was very impressed. They are reasonable too, at least I think!**
It has one tag with all 4 kids and another with B&M. I really wanted Blake to be on it and I loved when I saw it like this! ( pump is peeking out-oops**I mean insulin pump, not breast pump, sorry to let ya down, we bottle feed!**)

One of my besties growing up (since 2nd grade!) and a roomie in college sent us a package from Boston! Her and her husband got the kids matching Red Sox shirts. I only managed to get 2 to pose, but aren't they cute? We also got some cool books, one of my favorites "Its Okay to be Different" and some pampering stuff for mama!!!

A friend from nursing school sent us a package today with these goodies! How stinking cute! I think she might fit in these onesies now! They even have stuff on the bum!

A family from church and Chosen that we have come to absolutely adore MADE this for us. I couldn't believe it and still can't get over what she thought up. That's right folks...a book about love that has a family just like ours!!! **The book is by Marianne Richmond**
And because I rarely get pics of my camera shy dude (could not be more like his father), I had to add this. They are not tiring of their sister. Quite frankly they make me teary the way they dote on her. Even Sadie who is struggling with sharing me, is simply ECSTATIC when she sees Emery. She still wants to hold her and says "mine" when she sees her.
We certainly didn't expect any gifts seeing that we've managed to have 4 kids in under 5 years....who does that? So it's been fun getting these surprises and knowing how so many people are praising God with us for this miracle.
just love the necklace from Blake -so very sweet ! it is so nice to receive packages that are unexpected. thank you for sharing my sweet friend.
I have an adoption question for you...I'm needing to do birth announcements but I'm not sure what the etiquette of those are. What should it say? Just thought I'd ask you since you are probably getting ready to send some out as well. Thanks!
PS: Your family makes me smile every time I read your blog! Such a beautiful family and precious babies.
She is SOOO cute. :)
And I have to said your pump was sticking out. Are you breastfeeding? If so, I would love to know about it. I didn't do it with Sam, but am thinking about it with baby #2.
Would you email me if you get a chance? I know you are super busy loving on all those littles. :)
Your husband is awesome! The necklace is super cute. You made those letters? They look adorable! And the book you received is really nice, very special that someone would do the colouring in and gift you something so unique. :D
Love all of it, especially the necklace! I have been wanting one for a while now. I received some money for my birthday and I am thinking about buying one. Where did Blake get yours?
Molly!! I love, love, love your necklace, the amazing book, all the gifts, etc. Your family is so loved :)
Thanks for sharing!!
You amaze me with how photogentic you are! You always look great.
I'm with samsmom and the pump statement... Are you pumping?
Love it!!! Love blue chair .
Thanks for the comments guys. I so wish that I could tell you I was talking about nursing and a different kind of pump, but I was referring to my insulin pump. It is usually hidden in my bra, but you can see it in that pic. We just bottle feed around here. ;)
McKenzie, we don't do anything different than anyone else for our announcements. We do send out a Gotcha Day card to our family on finalization. I have seen some neat stuff done for international adoption, but since we usually bring our babies home at only a couple days we just do normal announcements...ya know, weight, length, birthdate, siblings, parents and praise Jesus!
Oh sorry you have to use an insulin pump. I don't know if that means you are a diabetic, I am and it stinks. Two shots a day. But praise God that I live in a country where my insulin is available to me. All the best.
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