I sat texting Mama G on Father's Day and just cried, cried, cried.
On occasions such as Father's Day, our children seem, once again, like absolute miracles and gifts in so many ways.

But on Father's Day it hits me that without Mama G and Mama Mandy, my incredible love would not be a daddy. Whoa. Big.fat.tears. Since we didn't go through the struggle with infertility or grieving miscarriages, I guess I just never thought about that....until we had kids. Man, I wish everyone could experience that feeling of knowing that someone has trusted you with something so huge and in that completely transformed your spouse. There is simply no way to describe my love for these women.

As I sat trying to thank Mama G, I couldn't put into words what Sadie Skielar has done for our world. Then I just lost it again. This little girl...look at who she has already become. She smiles constantly. And when she doesn't she usually gives you this awful look as she furrows her brow in disgust. She tips the scales at a whopping 23 lbs and is still as long as can be. I think it's kind of sad that I already envy her legs! She is talking more and more, and quite frankly it's the cutest darn thing we've ever heard. The boys just die when they hear her use words instead of grunts and screams. She says "sawy" (sorry), "tan too" (thank you), Owie, Pooper, and Sadie, ow-si (outside), "wuv oo" (I love you). She is finally to where she will repeat most anything you say.

The other day she wouldn't stop screaming so I told her she would have to go to her room if she couldn't use words (above picture). She looked at me, and walked straight to her room to scream. HA! She plays very well independently. She is seriously coordinated. She loves to dance, no one is a stranger, LOVES any and every dog no matter how huge! Recently she kissed (yes full on mouth kiss) a 90+ lbs St. Bernard of our neighbors then proceeded to feed him Doritos.

She is tough as nails and is getting pretty fast at running. As tough as she is, she is still incredibly prissy. You should see her run. Blake described it best as Phoebe on Friends running. Oh man. HILARIOUS! Her arms stay bent with elbows in and hands flapping up and down. I will have to get in on video. She kisses her own boo-boos and refuses band-aides. She still puts anything in her mouth, most recently a June bug she found in the back yard. Sweet. She is still messier than either of her brothers.

I LOVE doing her hair. It's something I have dreamed of for years. I take great pride in the kids' hair, but the boys like to do their own now. I have so much fun caring for Sadie's hair and I hope she loves it too. It's hard to get her to sit still, but we don't do anything fancy yet, so its not too bad. It's getting nice and thick and her curls are just so yummy. I found a new product for all of my friends out there. I got it at Crest, and it was super cheap. It was under $5 and it's called Care Free Curl. It actually works on all 3 of their heads (a miracle!) and has a real subtle clean smell. Its the perfect mix of moisture, but doesn't leave them looking greasy.
She is feisty and silly and suddenly loves to be the center of attention. She used to just sit on our lap and take everything in when we were in new places...not any more. She will just climb into the lap of the nearest person and make friends or dance in front of people until they "ooh and ahh" at her. 
She would still rather eat crayons than color with them and play in her food rather than eat it, but I have finally figured out as a mom that it's better to just enjoy each stage while you're in it because in the blink of an eye you can't remember how they got so big...
Where did our baby girl go?
Miss Sadie and Cole sound quite a bit alike :) We must get them together soon! Hoping to come your way soon and hit the omniplex before Crosby arrives...I will let you know!
Precious! I'll have to check out that hair product, too. I always love a good product for a good deal! :)
such a sweetie pie....I'm ready for a play date friend!
How adorable Sadie is. I've fallen in love with your children already. They're such fun.
Love this post... Sadie will love reading this later on in life. Especially like the pic of her in front of the lake - what a beauty! (And by the way... Sienna is 22 lbs. and a year younger than Sadie - what a chunk!!)
Love you, friend!
There is something special about that little girl... like a world full of sunshine packed into a tiny little package. She just lights up the room when she's around.
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