Monday, March 28, 2011
Grrr...our computer bit the dust
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How in the world?

She LOVES to swing, be outside, ride in her stroller (esp when her brothers push her fast) and to ride on her daddy's shoulders. She does not like however to be thrown in the air. She loves to see herself in the mirror and if you're not careful she'll come clear out of your arms with the sheer excitement of seeing herself.
Sweet Emery we love you and we are beyond blessed to call you a Shockley! Thank you for making our dreams come true...we all adore you!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Gah, Proverbs 31 Ministries...
I wanna get to these daily emails I get, but first you gotta see my babes.
When I am free from selfishness, I am free from irritation.
When I am free from expectation, I am free to enjoy whatever comes.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Obsessed with our curls...
It's really just two puffs. The first puff makes puff bangs and the back one is just a huge puff held by tights tied in a knot. The tights are another idea I stole from Happy Girl Hair, and it's perfect because it doesn't pull on the hair and stress it. How cute is that pic of Sadie with her arm around Emme? She is such a sweet big sister!
I know some of you might have other blogs to share about naturally curly hair. Please comment if you want to share as I'd like to add them to my blog list.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Trusting Him
Little things said that I overheard like Owen telling her, "my mom is mean." And her saying sweetly, "Well, do you think I am mean?" He said, "No" in a gasp like it was an absurd question. She then informed him that when his daddy was 5 he thought she was a mean mommy.
She is beyond clever and I just wish I could soak up her gobs of wisdom. She has loads of patience. I felt like all week I had a sidekick to help with those moments when kids think their parents are awful...she just takes the sting away. She has a way of keeping kids in line where no one thinks they are being disciplined or kept in line. It's amazing. I just wish I could keep her in my pocket for those moments when I need a creative consequence or a surge of patience.
As we were driving to the airport, Gigi and I were talking about how God prepares our hearts and always has great purpose and plans. Then I came home and read this from Proverbs 31 ministries:
What has God given you that you need to take hold of—even if it doesn't look
like it from where you're standing? A job in an unstable market? A dream
He's whispered to your heart? Can you move forward in worship and trust,
counting on the fact that it has been given to you already? Focusing on what
lies ahead and not what's happening now? It's already happened. Are you living
like it has?
I am realizing how little I have been trusting in God with my life. I've questioned why our house hasn't sold instead of realizing the HUGE blessing that it hasn't: I get to go HOME in 23 sleepies. Sleep in my own bed. My kids routines will return to normal. Owen can go back to school with his friends. Endless blessings, and I was sitting in a puddle of "poor me", I have to prepare my house for showings again blah blah blah. I've questioned why we were stuffed in this teensy apartment instead of living like God planned this: I am so ready to be home and show my house!!!
Blake has a stable job, and one for next year and we are working on one for after fellowship and beyond. How could I not be rejoicing in this blessing!?!? Seriously.
Thank you Gigi for giving us such a wonderful gift of quality time. Thank you for all that you teach all 6 of us and for the deep and intentional ways you love on us. Thank you for reminding me of God's purpose in every aspect of our life, even the uncomfortable ones.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A day with my boys
Owen is skiing like a natural. He says he is ready for poles. He loved this half pipe on the bunny slope and I am pretty sure we set some kind of record for # runs on the same slope.