Sorry for all of the posts, but I wanted to wait until today to share our fun-filled, long weekend with Blake! He took Friday off knowing that he would have Monday off as well! So we enjoyed lots of time just hanging out together.
Friday morning we had our 2nd post-placement visit for Sadie's adoption! Only one more left until we are released to adopt her (I am thinking we'll have court sometime in April)! Yippee! That afternoon we took the kids to a dollar movie and we so enjoyed listening to them giggle and dance during the movie! Sadie was such a trooper and was mesmerized by the screen!

On Friday we got a special delivery! The boys sure have enjoyed their new nativity even though Christmas is long gone! They keep saying that Joseph is Owen, Cooper is the shepherd and Sadie is baby Jesus.
This is Cooper singing, "Mary had a Little Lamb" I think he thinks the song's about Mary, Jesus's mother...this picture shows you how dramatic this entertainer is!

On Saturday...only Sadie was dressed by noon! How great is that? That NEVER happens in our family as we are all morning people and we love to get up and get, that made it extra special to just lounge together! That afternoon we made a quick trip to the zoo and then daddy took us to dinner. This is something we NEVER get to do, partly because it costs a ton to eat out, but also because it can be a little crazy as we are now outnumbered by kids.

On Monday we decided to start a new family tradition and we went to the Martin Luther King Day parade in the city. We have never actually taken the boys to a parade before just because of their age (and their incredible need for sleep!). The timing was perfect for the boys. Sadie was a bit sleepy, but yet again she's so laid back and just enjoyed the sights of downtown.
Of course, we got our fair share of second looks. Most people were just thinking our kids were pretty stinking cute and probably wondering what the story was with their vanilla parents. It was one of those times I wished that they all had buttons on like this...
and Blake and I could wear these...

The boys loved the parade. There were motorcycles, marching bands, people dancing, fire trucks, garbage trucks and four wheelers...not sure it could have been more entertaining for them.

At the end of the parade there was a Cox van playing the MLK's "I have a dream" speech on loud gave me chills and made me teary as I was explaining to the boys who that was talking and what he was saying. I know it doesn't make sense to them now, but wow! How thankful we are for Martin Luther King and what he showed the world and taught us about ourselves!
The buttons are hysterical....especially the one about making the neighbors wonder! Hoot - I tell ya! Thank you, thank you thank you, Martin Luther King!!!!
Oh, Molly, YOU make me teary with your blog!! I'm so thankful for my grandchildren and so thankful that our transracial family is enjoying these history making days!! I KNOW God has even more incredible things in store for your precious children as he uses them for His purpose in this world... I'm so blessed and can't imagine life any other way... Love, Mom
I've been a fan of your blog for a while now, I've been reading but haven't commented. We are a transracial family also built through the blessing of adoption.
Also, seeing the Lil' Sooner hat on your son has confirmed that you rock! 8-)
I loved your post..don't you love days with Daddy! I also loved the post about Sadie and her story! I love your children so much, and I am so glad that they are yours, and that they have you as parents. Love you!
Love the bdazzled outfit first off, the nativity scene well we need one of those, and oh my goodness what a fanatastic thing to do going to the Martin Luther King parade we have to do that next year! I need to work on getting more culture experiences for Aaron. Sometimes I completely forget he is not the same color as us even though I'm looking at him everyday all day. And I know it doesn't matter at all that we aren't the same color I love my chocolate baby too!
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