Friday, February 27, 2009
Her cuts and milestones!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
New talent...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This may not work...
Here are the official rules:
I will send a gift to the first 3 people who comment on this post. All gifts will be made and sent out sometime in the next year.
The gifts are supposed to be handmade. I know a lot of you are thinking you can't get in on this because you aren't "crafty". If you really want to get in on this but cannot create a handmade gift yourself, then support a person who does have a handmade crafty kind of business. Buy a gift from them, don't just head out to a chain store, understand?!

Every post must have at least one adorably cute picture of one of my kids! I mean come on, what are you really here for anyway? Still loving these close-ups if I do say so myself!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Home sweet home
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Needing to smile?
Thanks Aunt Jamie and Savannah for all of our new clothes! We are loving them if you can't tell!
Hope you love the pictures as much as we do! We are heading north tomorrow to see my family for 4 days. You've figured this out by now how I handle Blake's schedule...just keep leaving town!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Love, love, love!
We made it through fine and made some great memories in that room!
Early Wednesday morning my mom came in to help watch the kids so that I could head to Dallas with some college friends for some much needed down time! We had a blast and I came back with energy, new hair, polished nails and ready for Valentine's Day!
This is a pic of me getting my hair cut from the loudest woman I have ever heard. And that's saying a lot because I know I am loud being one of 4 sisters!
Thanks to Blake for funding this trip for me, Gigi, Papa and Noonie for watching the kids so that I could get away, and to Angela and Misty for your incredible friendship!
You'd never know it but Angela (the one standing) is 38 weeks pregnant with #4! She amazed me with her energy and happy mood! You're a trooper Angela! We can't wait to find out what you're having...I am voting for a little Molly Collins! *wink, wink*
Blake's had the weekend off! Thank you to all of you that commented and have prayed for us during this rough couple of months! Your encouragement has been so incredible and we've been so blessed as we've been staying busy while he's busy! Now, Blake on the other hand is completely worn out...but we always joke that it's his fault for choosing this profession! I know, I have lots of sympathy, huh?
Also, we took Micah up on his challenge and hope you do too! Find someway this week to make someone that might be lonely or hurting feel loved. Check out his website if you haven't already...he's sure making me think and teach my kids about being the hands and feet of Christ! We hope to keep finding ways to do this throughout the year!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Oh, my heart!
Friday, February 6, 2009
What's this?
I love to have him help. There's just something about those chubby hands working so hard to help...
So, I gave him the sucker-thingy that gets the grease out of the pan and told him what drawer to put it in.
I noticed he stopped and stared at it.
I watched him as he said, "Mom, does this go in my nose? I gots some boogers!"
I was laughing so hard when I took the picture I didn't even tell him what it really was for...besides, what do you call that thing anyway???
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
5 months!

Sadie has started to suck in her bottom lip like she's an old lady that lost her teeth! It's adorable!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Hey, hey, hey....good-bye!
But as I write that, I realize how fortunate I am that my husband isn't overseas fighting for my freedom. There are several far worse jobs that I can think of with worse hours and little safety!
He's in the same city, and safe and at some point will sleep next to me at night.
I also realize that I am fortunate to have him at all.
I am blessed to have an incredible marriage and enjoy spending everyday with my best friend.
I am blessed to call myself a Shockley!
So, as sad as I am that his hours will be over 90 per week, I have a million things to be thankful for.
Please remind me of this if I get crabby! Don't let me complain!
Here are some pics from this week...Blake took two days off to spend with us before the poo starts!
Thursday we drove to Tulsa to see my some sweet pictures of cousin Sutton loving on Sadie!
Blake took the boys to ride the Amtrak from Oklahoma City to Purcell.
Not something we'd do everyday, but what a great treat for boys!
We love you Blake! You are the best daddy in the world and you make us feel so loved and important in your life. We love how you come home as soon as you possibly can to hang out with us. We are sad and will miss you deeply, but know that's only because you're so stinking fun to be with! See you in May!