Like every parent, I think my children are beyond talented.
I am sorry, but just about everything they do amazes me.
I have been trying to catch the boys fully dressed dancing because it's quite possibly the cutest thing you've ever seen! We dance daily just to get a good giggle in.
My hopes are they will have a little more talent than their mommy when it comes to rhythm and dancing.
Blake can actually dance really well, it's just his taste in music and convincing him to do so that is the challenge! He does dance with the guys funny to watch the 3 of them boogy in the living room! Can you picture it?
So while I wait for the day for these guys to dance WITH clothes is Sadie bug with her new "trick" as Owen calls it. I try and remind him she's not a dog with tricks!
Sadie and Owen blowing bubbles...
They have such a sweet love for each other already!
So, sorry for the poor taping and bad lighting, but here she is...and you can hear her! Yahoo, she does make noise! My sweet baby girl...
And below is Sadie's first ride in the swing outside! I think she liked it, what do you think?
Too cute of a new talent! I still cannot get over how well she sits up! She looks so big soaking up the rays! Precious!
Is that a belt Sadie is wearing?? SO CUTE!!! I kept my friends new chocolate foster baby overnight and she reminded me SO much of Sadie. I thought of you a lot! I love that your boys love Sadie.
Oh my goodness!!!! As stinkin cute! I think my favorite thing is hearing your voice on the video...lets me know you are a real person and not just some one over the internet :)
Love ya girl!
Jordann loved it...she had me play it twice!! Too cute!
Oh the picture of Owen and Sadie makes my heart melt! Are they in love or what? How sassy is her belt? I think she is going to be a fashion diva! And I LOVE the new video. Such sweetness...I can't wait to give her some lovin on Saturday.
I love the pic of bubba and his sissy! You are so devoted to your children, they are blessed beyond words to have you as a mommy! Love you!
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