"So promise me you'll never forget...that you aren't an accident or an incident...you are a gift to the world, a divine work of art, signed by God. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth...Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says, 'You are my child. I love you dearly.'" Max Lucado, God Thinks You're Wonderful

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just everyday...

My sweetie. He looks so old with his new frohawk. I love it. He loves it. His friends want one. Whoops. Sorry new mommy friends. That was no way for me to make friends, huh?

At the park enjoying some of mommy's homemade cookies. It's one of the few things I still bake!

In case you haven't figured it out...we don't do anything real big in a day.

SO I just wanted to share our everyday moments that make me take a deep breath and take it all in. Look at our sweet baby...loving on her baby. She is SO affectionate. It's precious to watch! A couple times this week it wasn't enough for me to hold her on my hip...she wanted me to full frontal hold her. Then she just pats my back.

She loves holding the raisin box, but barely gets any in her mouth...she just likes taking them out and putting them back in.

I got this idea from another mama with a chocolate baby a little older than Emme. This keeps from having to repoof the bottom two puffs if you do 4 puffs. Less manipulation = better hair! It's amazing how much better the condition of her hair is! Luckily Sadie still likes me taking her pictures!

Hey girls! They really play well together, but Emery has quickly learned how to fight for herself when someone takes her toy!!

Look at Sadie's face! Priceless...can you just hear her squeal?

Emery wanted in this walker! How funny. Can you believe the toys people drop off at this park?

Our friend baby Cole...Sadie and Emery love him! His parents moved from Canada to do a year fellowship at Emory too!

My girls! They both love to slide.

Movie night and pizza! Blake has been traveling with the Falcons and Georgia Tech so we've had lots of down time at home. Since we don't do TV or screen play during the week, it's a big treat now! We even made sundaes at home instead of going out for it!

This was about 10 days ago when my parents were headed out to Ghana...they got home to OK today!!! Thank you Jesus for their safe return!


Norma said...

Molly!!! I love, love, love your blog!!! Your kiddos are the best... Can't wait to see their smiling faces when I open it... Thanks for sharing them with us here! I so miss them! Owen looks so OLD in the first picture and everyone looks so very happy... Thankful Atlanta has been so friendly to you all! Thankful for each and every friend, invite and encouraging word... Love you all & have a blessed day! Love, Mom

Melodie said...

looks like you're enjoying the small and precious moments. love that! love Owen's hair. and love the updates. :)