"So promise me you'll never forget...that you aren't an accident or an incident...you are a gift to the world, a divine work of art, signed by God. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth...Flooded by emotion, overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one, and says, 'You are my child. I love you dearly.'" Max Lucado, God Thinks You're Wonderful

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So, this is a quick post because I was tagged to go into my 4th picture folder and pick the 4th picture and talk about it.

I love this picture! It was at the Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services hayride, the first year we went. The others in this picture are 2 of the couple we went to our seminar with. Believe it or not, we all had placement within 6 weeks of each other. Paige and Randy had Parker 2 weeks before Owen was born. Then 2 weeks later Robin and Brad brought Marlo home!

We are so blessed to have these couples in our lives. We are so blessed to have formed a friendship after our seminar and still keep in touch through the agency get togethers and we used to even have playdates, and girls, we need to schedule one!

Anyway, I love this picture...the kids are all around 2 months old.

Four friends to tag...Becki, Laura, Terra, Stephanie

1 comment:

Becki Francy said...

Holy moly...that was Owen!!! I cannot believe it! Seems like that was yesterday....