Lately, I've been begging God more than usual to break me, use me, hold my tongue, fill me with patience and energy, understanding and compassion.
We've had more than enough transitions to drive anyone to the brink of insanity. It's taken a toll on our sweet children. Mercy, that's hard to swallow as a parent. My heart breaks as they cry for things to return to normal.
Sadie literally screamed and cried to go see her Papa Max when she was looking through a picture book and saw Camp Noonie-Papa pics. She just kept saying, "I'na see my PAPA!!!" And "Go right dare mommy, turn dare" while pointing to their driveway in the picture. It killed me, and she simply can't understand.
I know they will be fine. I know they are young and resilient. But it's still hard to watch your child go through this. And this time is a journey that I know can draw me closer to Jesus, and I pray that our children see that in us.
People ask me daily how I keep up with all 4 (as if it hasn't been done before?) and I usually laugh and say, "Jesus and coffee make me a good mommy!" I need a sign that says that, huh? And then I saw this...