We had some great time to play with friends at the park and run around at home. Owen has recently become a shut-in. Just kidding. But we are realizing how much he is starting to be a home body like his momma and daddy. Part of us loves that, that he just likes being with the 5 of us...but sometimes we really need to get out of the house and we have to convince him that we'll have fun. I think he would LOVE to be home schooled...no lie. But then when he does go to school, he has a blast and is in the best mood. I am super nervous about next year though and how things turn out! I have a hard time thinking about him going to school everyday even if for only 2.5 hours. Yes, I am becoming that mom!
On Thursday we loaded up and headed to Tulsa for a couple of days. It was great to see some of our family and we got some great pictures of the kids playing with Grandy, Papa Max and dyeing eggs. Owen let me take some pictures of him and I was tickled to death! He is so camera shy that I ate it up!!!
Noonie got the kids these cool donuts. Sadie got a Hello Kitty donut but she destroyed it by the time I could get a picture!!!
Little miss is into everything and it's quite hilarious. She's a hoot. She is talking so much more now and her voice is SO sweet. All we've heard is HIGH pitched screams for so long we had no idea what her talking would sound like...it's precious! She says Noonie, Papa, ball, no ma'am, dog, mommy, dada, Owen, Pooper, Bella and lots more. Yes, I realize this list is behind what's normal for her age but I am just so excited she is talking! I know she'll catch up in no time. Last week she found nail polish, opened the bottle and painted a nail before I caught her!
Here are some pics of her after playing in the sand box with the boys. Notice how she's not bothered at all by the sand? She cracks me up!
Blake and I are loving life. Even in the midst of this adoption process where things are so up in the air, we are trusting God to handle that and we are not wasting a minute worrying about what will happen. We will find out in a couple of weeks where we will go for fellowship and we are so excited about that! We also found out that we are going back to Aspen for 3 months again next year. To clarify, that is not for fellowship but just part of his elective rotation for residency...you may not care, but I know it's confusing. We are really excited about that because it was such a blessing for us in so many ways!
You are truly And how amazing that God chose YOU for this adoption journey. No matter the outcome, God placed you in the life of C and Kennedy for a very important reason...one you may not figure out this side of Heaven, but important just the same. Thank you for being obedient to Him in all things, knowing that He has your plan in His hands!
what a precious family!
I love seeing your family on here. So cute of your dad!
Sadie is so BEAUTIFUL
i love the picture of Sadie checking out the fish. she is so into it! she is really to die for!
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