Here's a little video of Owen singing Happy Gotcha Day to Cooper this morning. It was adorable. Sorry that I started singing at the end. The moment got the best of me. I am tone deaf if you've never stood next to me while I out!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Gotcha Day Cooper!
Here's a little video of Owen singing Happy Gotcha Day to Cooper this morning. It was adorable. Sorry that I started singing at the end. The moment got the best of me. I am tone deaf if you've never stood next to me while I out!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thank you!
Really though, I am so blessed that these boys love their grandparents and love being with them! Thanks Noonie and Papa Max, Gigi and Papa Joe for your support these last couple of days. We wouldn't have made it through without you all!
To all of you that have called, emailed, messaged, and commented...I wish I could talk to you all! Thank you for your prayers. We feel them without a doubt we feel God's presence. Not that we don't have moments of sadness. But how can we not be thankful for all that God has given us!
We love you all!
Baby Dedication
It was Cooper's baby dedication a year ago.
I can't help but think of when we "dedicated" both of the boys. It was a symbolic representation of a commitment we had already made to our Lord. As their parents, and as Christians, we vowed to raise them in a Christ centered home. More than anything, we are reminded on this day, that God has given us these children.
So really, "baby dedication" happens before they are ever in our arms. If we truly believe what we are standing up there for (yes, at our church you take your children in front of the sanctuary), then you have already placed your children in the trust of God.
That sweet baby girl that we lost, is right where God needs her. He still has great plans for us and for her and B.
Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement and prayers.
For any of you that were contemplating adoption before this, I know this has probably scared you off. I hope it does not. I hope that each of us has something in our lives that draws us closer to God...something that we realize we have absolutely no control over and that we know we must get on our knees for.
Last night my sweet family, all 5 of them, came to see Blake and I. We decided to let Blake's parents keep the boys so that if we needed to cry we didn't feel the need to protect them. My parents took us for some fabulous Mexican food and we counted our blessings. Not that we haven't had our tears, but it is so good to remember this could have been so much worse.
God is good and we can feel him holding us!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Children of God
Regardless of how our children come to us, they are not ours, but God's. We are all children of God.
So right now I am hearing that song, "Held" by Natalie Grant.
Can you tell that songs so speak to me?
B just called the agency and said they did the c-section early and that she decided to parent.
This is what that song is about, feeling HELD by God even in the midst of great sadness and loss.
Please pray for Sadie and B as they prepare for life together. B was not prepared for this, so please pray for safety and support for them.
Please pray for Owen and Cooper that they will know God has a sibling out there for them.
Please pray that as Blake and I greive this loss we also see the good things that God has blessed us with. This could have happened on Sunday after we had bonded with Sadie over the week.
While we believe it is okay to be sad, it's not okay to get stuck there. God has great plans for us and great plans for Sadie (I guess that's not really her name, huh?)
Just wanted you to know, this is where we are.
We love you all and thank you for covering us in prayer.
Sweetest Day
I can't believe Sadie's day is here!
I am leaving in just a bit to drop off the boys stuff to Gigi for the rest of the week.
B is still planned for a c-section later on this afternoon. They are thinking after 4ish.
They said Blake and I are more than welcome to come and wait in the waiting room around 5.
They said if there's an open room then we can stay with Sadie at the hospital and start bonding.
Please pray there's a room for us.
Please pray over B today. My heart aches for her.
It will be a while until we can post again. Maybe I could get Blake to write. He's such a good writer!
Love you all!
Owen singing for Sadie! It's quite funny because he's interrupted by his brother!
So there's been a change in plans.
Brittanie went into the hospital this morning.
We don't know much but that it looks like they are going to take the baby this afternoon or later today sometime.
Please pray for her. I can't imagine her fears or emotions right now.
Please pray for Sadie Kate and a safe delivery.
There are a million things I want to pray for, but I have to get the boys packed to stay at their grandparents house!
Love you all and thanks for your prayers!
Here's what followed the video above. Just makes me smile and wish you all were here!
Monday, July 28, 2008
How Great is Our God
That song is very emotional for me. When Mandy was pregnant with Cooper, about 7 months along, we sang that song together during worship in church. We both stood there crying, holding hands and praising our God for how great he is. I love music, it's soo powerful for me.
I wish I could figure out how to play that song on my blog right now so that you could hear it as well. So, let it play in your mind as you keep reading.
We got a call from Sandy at Deaconess. Catherine and Brittanie were together today, she had an OB visit. She still wants to meet us. We are hoping we can meet her tomorrow around 5:30. They still seem unsure about the c-section (which boggles my mind) but they are thinking Friday now. She will go back to the doctor on Thursday it seems.
Thank you Lord for this news.
Thank you all for your prayers and for walking through this with us.
We'll keep you updated. Sorry for the 2 posts in one day. If you haven't read the post below, please do when you get a chance!
Let me be silent so that I may hear the whispers of God

Proverbs 31 ministries email:
Remember the story of Abraham and his beloved son, Isaac, found in Genesis chapter 22? Pause to read it if you haven’t. Through Isaac God was going to build a nation! Can you imagine the pride Abraham must have had for his son? Nothing makes me prouder than to see one of my children succeed, and Abraham knew God had great plans for his son. What on earth could go wrong—especially with a promised child?
You and I both know a lot can go wrong. We’ve probably stood in Abraham’s sandals once or twice in our life times too. And like Abraham, we’ve clung to the promises of God. Yet, sickness lingers, financial troubles invade, friends betray us, and eventually death calls. How do we respond?
Abraham responded with great love, trust, and commitment when God asked for his only son to be sacrificed. Don’t think it was easy for him. Just because you and I know the outcome of the story doesn’t mean Abraham did. He had to trust God every step of the way. Abraham’s mind must have been plagued with thoughts such as, “This doesn’t make sense, Lord.” “You promised, Lord.” “Help me, Lord.”
Determined to obey God no matter the cost, Abraham prepared to take his son’s life. In that dramatic moment, and just in the nick of time, God called from heaven and released both the child and Abraham from the test.
It was only a test. God never wanted the death of Isaac. He wanted the surrendered heart of Abraham. Just as God planned, the test revealed Abraham’s undying love and commitment to God. I believe that Abraham’s faith was expanded too that day in the sufficiency and care of his loving Father.
Unfortunately, this is an area God will always test you and me. More than anything God wants our whole and committed hearts. As painful as some tests are, God is using them to grow us into all He has designed us to be. When our trials don’t make sense, we can trust God. He has promised to set limits on our trials—to walk with us in the midst of them, and to bring forth good.
The question for you and me today is this. When God doesn’t behave like we think He should, when it seems like He has turned the other way and broken every promise, will we still love and trust Him?
When the pregnancy test is negative, will you still love Him? When your loved one dies, will you still love Him? When the job interview falls flat, will you still love Him? When no treatment can be found, will you still love Him?
Dear Lord, I’m guilty of chasing your blessings more than chasing after You. You are all I need. I recommit my heart to you and I will trust you in my present situation. May your will—not mine—be done, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008

We knew that our prints would be clean, but sometimes they are rejected because they weren't good scans and could not be read. This process can take up to 8-12 weeks, ours took 5 weeks!
Just so that you don't have to ask, we have not heard anything new about Brittanie or a meeting.
I have still been working on getting our home ready for Sadie.
This is my latest task....making her carseat look girly.
I saw these on etsy, but couldn't get myself to pay someone else to do it.
I could never sell these, but it will work for our sweet girl.
It cost me $10 for fabric and supplies!
Love you all and have a great day!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just chillin'
Best Dad Eber
Can you tell he's in heaven?
It's quite funny to see a 20 month old playing putt-putt. He only swings with one hand.
Owen does not like loud noise, but he was dying to drive in this nascar race.
We'll let you know if anything develops, but for now we are guarding ourselves a little to thinking this placement is going to happen. We have not rescheduled the meeting with Brittanie, they didn't ask us to.
Please keep her in your prayers.
We are blessed that Owen did not ask anything of why we didn't get to see her. Yesterday morning we spent an hour baking cookies for Brittanie. Owen even made one for Sadie. He was working so hard on one and he said, "This one's for Sadie, it's a rock."
Please pray that God protects his little heart during all of this. He is so excited about what he calls, "his baby". On the way to church on Sunday he said, "My baby is still in Brittanie's tummy!" He is understanding so much of this and that scares me for him. But at the same time, I know that God has got control of this. If Owen sees Blake and I fully relying on Christ in this, he will follow.
Love you all!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Oh Beans!

This is the day that the Lord has made!
Two of my loves! There's Cooper's camera smile again! I love it!
My guys! They both look thrilled to be cuddling with me and taking this picture!
I think they are ready for cake!
So this is what's been keeping me busy!
I have been working on Sadie's room!
My sweet friend Terra Schultheis gave us this rocker for Sadie!
She had used it in her classroom when she was teaching!
It looks just perfect in her room!
Thanks Terra!
Close up of her bedding! We got it at Wal-Mart for only $80.
You know I am a sucker for a good deal!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Couldn't Be Happier
Summer Dayz
Monday, July 14, 2008
Bows are for girls
My sister gave me her bow head, so I painted it to look more like Sadie!
Isn't it cute?
We caught the boys playing in the crib together. This may be a problem!
Cooper after he ate a frozen biscuit! You can just read
his face that he doesn't really care that I thought it was
a bad idea! He's a riot! And yes, he went to church with biscuit in his
eyebrow because he wouldn't let me get it out!