We completed our homestudy today.
That was quite an accomplishment.
We knew they weren't concerned about the safety of our home.
This agency knows us well.
We were more concerned about keeping our kids under control and in line enough to say, "Hey, we can handle another one!"
Now, we know most of you are in shock (still) that we are ready again.
So please, picture with me what this 1.5 hour visit was like for us.
I was sweating bullets that we could avoid serious meltdowns or tantrums in front of our sweet social worker.
The boys ended up doing great, only had one meltdown that led to time alone for Cooper.
Owen kept begging to watch a movie.
I was like, "Come on honey, don't act like we always watch TV here."
Owen later looked out the back door and gasped, "The swing set fell down."
Now any of you that have been here lately know we need a new swing set.
So I about died.
No way that just happened while we were having our homestudy!
Little booger, it was fine...
Nothing happened, I am not sure what he saw, but thank God it's still hanging in there!
I think we passed.
My title of being honest was about Blake and I's feelings after the homestudy.
We were reminded that some adoptions fall through.
Of course, we know that...
We've experienced it.
How could we forget?
We don't want to be fearful. We want to enjoy this time and celebrate what God is blessing us with.
But, inside, in all honesty...we wonder if this will really happen.
Will Sadie come home to us?
Please continue to pray for Brittanie. I cannot imagine the emotions she is feeling.
This is not about us!!!
Please pray for us, that we can trust God through this.
That His plan will be known and that we will glorify Him regardless of what happens.
Thank you all for my birthday wishes...it's been a great day.
My mom came down and brought tons of baby stuff from my sister. Thank you Aunt Becki!
We've got the clothes ready, bassinet out...still need to collect somethings here and there!
But I am feeling good!
Here's a picture that my sister sent, I loved it minus the rolls/wrinkles around my chin.
More than anything, I love these boys that God has blessed us with.
I love this man that God has given me to walk through life with.

Molly-I laughed so hard I cried reading this post, especially the swing set part! Of course you passed, you're the perfect family!! Praying for God's perfect plan and adoption process!
Oh I know, I know, I know just like it was yesterday!! The craziness of it all - I would do it again in a heartbeat if God led us in that direction. His timing is perfect, His plan for your family AND for this baby girl is perfect and He is in control of everything. Just tell Him how you feel and He will give you a peace that passes understanding. It's normal what you are feeling and God knows it! He will love on you and carry you through. We are praying and also praying for Brittanie. I prayed for her last night until I fell asleep that God would put someone, anyone, in her life that would support her plan. I prayed that she would find the strength to make the PERFECT decision for this baby girl and that God would also give her a peace that passes understanding.
Love you guys--cont to let us know how we can pray!!
Why does this always make me cry? Even when it is funny? I am such a sucker! Can't wait to see Sadie in her cute clothes! Loved the blog on "can i hold your baby"...I hate that question anyway - from my belly or not...I think it is plain rude! No...you can't hold my baby...she/he just came out...and I am a neurotic, non-sleeping, overtired crazed mom and I am afraid of where your hands have been....Leave me alone!....of course your reasoning is more kind and has a better purpose...but the above was how i felt!!!!! hahaaha!!! I pray for Brittanie every time I think of her...My insides ache for her...I will also pray for someone in her life to come along side her and give her strength....but just so you know...as with Mama Mandy...that person is often you, sweet sister. Beck
They always act funny when you don't want them too. I like the name Sadie!! My niece's name is that!!
Hey there!!! Congrats on another addition to your family. I haven't finished reading the last few posts, yet. Looks like you are adopting a girl this time? So excited for you all. I didn't realize that you had a blog. I found yours through Heather's. I started reading hers when we first moved here and were searching for a new church home and visited Living Hope. Anyway, today I was reading her post and saw your comment. So great to see you and the boys.
How have you been?? Are you still doing MOMs group??
Here's an e-mail address cropandcreate@hotmail.com
Chat with you later!
Laurie! I cannot believe you found our blog. What a small world after all. I tried to see if I could email you, but I don't think I have your new email. Yes, we are doing great. Yes, we heard we are getting a little girl. We'll keep you updated by the blog, so follow us if you want! Yes, I am still doing MOMs. I was in a different group this last year, but was still able to see all of the girls from our group. So good to hear your name! Hope you all are doing well! How is adjusting to 3? How is life outside of residency/fellowship??? Can't wait to join you! Blake still has 3 years of residency and 1 of fellowship! Talk to you soon!
I CAN NOT believe that you are having a baby in 3 weeks!!!! I want to pack up things and ship them to you! I am SO excited to meet her. I love, love, love her name. I am just bursting! - Misty
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