We knew that our prints would be clean, but sometimes they are rejected because they weren't good scans and could not be read. This process can take up to 8-12 weeks, ours took 5 weeks!
Just so that you don't have to ask, we have not heard anything new about Brittanie or a meeting.
I have still been working on getting our home ready for Sadie.
This is my latest task....making her carseat look girly.
I saw these on etsy, but couldn't get myself to pay someone else to do it.
I could never sell these, but it will work for our sweet girl.
It cost me $10 for fabric and supplies!
Love you all and have a great day!
I cannot stinkin' believe you made that!!! I made so much fun of you and said you couldn't do it...Holy moly...you pulled it off....everything is coming together...I am so excited...Love you - Becki
OH MY GOODNESS!! You could too sell those things and think of all the money you would bring in for all the girlie things you are going to be tempted to buy Sadie. We have both learned recently that little girls are going to be fun to buy for!! I'll be your first customer!! :)
Hello Martha Stewart...what in the world? You are so crafty! I just love how you set your mind to a task and you tackle it! Unlike me who has lived in my house for 2 1/2 years and is just now hanging pictures! Love the carseat!!!
Have a good day today!
That is soo cute!!! Just checking on how things are going. Praying for your family. Mail me sometime, I am really wanting to catch up. lroman2000@verizon.net
You act like making that was no big deal! I would have never even attempted it because I know I would have ended up cursing and in tears! You are amazing.
Molly, I stumbled on your blog today through Laura's. Chris and I have been in prayer for you and Blake and your little men over the years. And I'm so excited to see that your preparing to welcome a new daughter!! Being a mom of 2 girls, I can tell you that they are such a sweet blessing (I'm sure boys are too, but I know nothing about that personally) :) We will be praying for all of you and for Sadie and Brittanie.
PS I got to keep Cooper during worship last week and he is SUCH A neat kid. I really enjoyed getting to know his little personality!
Molly, you crack me up! That is SO professional looking! You are so goood! As the saying goes, "Neccessity is the Mother of invention." I think when we don't want to fork over some of these crazy prices, we see just how talented we really can be if we would just try! (Or at least YOU are!!) :) I'm sure I would have gotten frustrated in 5 minutes and given up!
Love you guys!!!!! Damon and Shannon
P.S. We will be in OKC at CIS on Wednesday to be fingerprinted for the 3rd time! At least we know this time they won't expire before we go!!
You are so talented. That is the cutest car seat cover I have ever seen!
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