It was Cooper's baby dedication a year ago.
I can't help but think of when we "dedicated" both of the boys. It was a symbolic representation of a commitment we had already made to our Lord. As their parents, and as Christians, we vowed to raise them in a Christ centered home. More than anything, we are reminded on this day, that God has given us these children.
So really, "baby dedication" happens before they are ever in our arms. If we truly believe what we are standing up there for (yes, at our church you take your children in front of the sanctuary), then you have already placed your children in the trust of God.
That sweet baby girl that we lost, is right where God needs her. He still has great plans for us and for her and B.
Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement and prayers.
For any of you that were contemplating adoption before this, I know this has probably scared you off. I hope it does not. I hope that each of us has something in our lives that draws us closer to God...something that we realize we have absolutely no control over and that we know we must get on our knees for.
Last night my sweet family, all 5 of them, came to see Blake and I. We decided to let Blake's parents keep the boys so that if we needed to cry we didn't feel the need to protect them. My parents took us for some fabulous Mexican food and we counted our blessings. Not that we haven't had our tears, but it is so good to remember this could have been so much worse.
God is good and we can feel him holding us!
I'm so happy to hear you had your whole family with you last night. How COOL. I am just distraught that you have a shower at your house this weekend. I feel GUILTY about you having to think about something like that. PLEASE tell me if I can come early and help you or if you want to cancel....I am open to whatever! I just know that your mind and heart are very much in another place now and rightfully so...I just don't want to interfere with any of what you are having to deal with this week.
Call me on my cell if you want to...we are headed to OKC today to be re-fingerprinted. 405-443-7292.
Love, Shannon
Hi Molly,
Stephanie has been keeping me posted on things. I am sorry about your loss but so glad you have the peace that only comes from knowing God is in control.
who brought Johanna Faith home from Guatemala4 months ago
I love you guys and wanted to let you know I have been praying for you all day. You are amazing! God is good and He will continue to hold you, for as you know, He is our Daddy and cries every tear with us. I love you!
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